The oldest existing Luso-American parish in the Roman Catholic
Diocese of Fall River

Established 1892

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P=Portuguese  E=English

SUNDAYS (Church)
Vigil Saturday 4:00 PM (P)
8:00 AM (P)   10:00 AM (E)   12 Noon (P)

Summer Mass Schedule
Sunday after Pentecost thru Labor Day Weekend 
Sat 4 PM (P); Sun 8 AM (P) 9:30 AM (E) 11 AM (P)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
8:00 AM (P)

As Announced in the Bulletin

Sacrament of Reconciliation
(with Eucharistic Adoration)
Mondays 5:30 to 6:30 PM (E) with Fr. Michael
Wednesdays 6:00 to 7:00 PM (P/E) with Fr. Jeff

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 3:00 to 3:45 PM (P/E)

Mondays through Fridays ~ 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Closed on Weekends and Holidays


Bishop da Cunha issued his 4th pastoral letter: Journeying Together: With Jesus on the Path of Faith & Hope. The Bishop shares “God is calling us to move forward and not stand still. My hope in this pastoral letter is to offer you a vision for how we can do this and how you can join us in moving forward into the future as a Diocese.” The letter focuses on three areas: Invitational Witness, Sacramental Living, and Vocational Pathways with each section offering mission steps - the actions that individuals, parish communities, and diocesan ministries need to take to make the vision a reality in the next 4 years. Please take an opportunity to review the letter at the diocesan website (written in English, Portuguese or Spanish):

"Let the children come to me;
do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." ~ Mark 10:14

At Santo Christo Parish, we all work together to protect our children. Please visit the Diocesan Safe Environment page for information on how we protect the faithful, and the steps involved to minister, work, or volunteer in the Fall River Diocese:


Regristration Form
for Faith Formation 2024-2025
Click Here!

For application & waiver form, click here

 Thursday, September 12
6:30 PM - 8 PM Men's Holy Hour,
at St. Patrick Church in Somerset

Friday, September 13
6-9 PM Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel

Saturday, September 14
8 AM - 12 Noon Office Open (Ana will be in)

Saturday - Sunday, September 14/15
Saint Vincent de Paul Food Drive Begins
Runs through December

Sunday, September 15
Catechetical Sunday ~ Commissioning of Catechists at the 10 AM Mass
Parents Meeting, after 10 AM Mass, in Church Hall

Monday, September 16
5:30-6:30 PM Confessions (English Only)
& Adoration with Fr. Michael

Wednesday, September 18
No Confessions with Fr. Jeff (Away from the Parish)

Sunday, September 22
Faith Formation Classes (Grades 1-9) Begin
12 Noon - Portuguese TV Mass,
recorded by the Portuguese Channel

Monday, September 23
5:30-6:30 PM Confessions (English Only)
& Adoration with Fr. Michael

Wednesday, September 25
6-7 PM Confessions & Adoration
with Fr. Jeff (Eng & Port)

Saturday, September 28
Parish Dinner,
sponsored by the Holy Rosary Sodality
3 PM - 6 PM Take-Out Dinner
7 PM Eat-in Dinner, Served Family-Style

Sunday, September 29
Faith Formation Classes (Grades 1-9)

Monday, September 30
5:30-6:30 PM Confessions (English Only)
& Adoration with Fr. Michael

Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 15, 22
7 PM Rosary (in the Church),
sponsored by the Holy Rosary Sodality

Wednesday, October 2
6-7 PM Confessions & Adoration
with Fr. Jeff (Eng & Port)

Saturday, October 5
Catholic Youth Day
at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown

Sunday, October 6
7 AM - 1 PM: Malassada Sale
Faith Formation Classes (Grades 1-9)
3 PM Mass to Celebrate the 120th Anniversary of the Diocese of Fall River, at St. Mary's Cathedral

Monday, October 7
5:30-6:30 PM Confessions (English Only)
& Adoration with Fr. Michael 

Wednesday, October 9
6-7 PM Confessions & Adoration
with Fr. Jeff (Eng & Port)
7 PM Charismatic Celebration,
held here at Santo Christo Church

Friday, October 11
6-9 PM Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel

Sunday, October 13
No Faith Formation Classes

Monday, October 14
Columbus Day ~ Office Closed
No Confessions & Adoration with Fr. Michael
6 PM Walk for Peace, from St. Anne Shrine to St. Mary's Cathedral for the 7 PM Mass for Peace